CFD General Notation System
CGNS Proposals for Extension (CPEX)The CPEX is a design document or documents that describe a new feature for CGNS. The CPEX should provide a concise technical specification of the feature and a rationale for the feature. The CPEX is intended to be the primary mechanism for proposing new features and for collecting community input on an issue. The CPEX author is responsible for building consensus within the community and documenting dissenting opinions. The CPEX editors assign CPEX numbers and change their status. All CPEX-related email should be sent to Each CPEX must have a champion - someone who writes the CPEX, shepherds the discussions, and attempts to build community consensus around the idea. The CPEX champion must first try to determine if their idea is appropriate for a CPEX. (Small enhancements or patches may not need a CPEX.) If a CPEX is appropriate, the champion must write a proposal, following the guidelines below. A CPEX number is then assigned. This is typically followed by a period of discussion, comments, input, and consensus-building, as well as an in-depth critical review. The CGNS Steering Committee ultimately votes for or against adoption. The proposals listed in the table below that were "not accepted" never made it to implementation, possibly because of lack of unified support, incomplete details, lack of champion involvement in the process, or because they were not generalizable to a wide enough class of problems. It is possible to resurrect and/or revise and resubmit older proposals. Some additional guidelines regarding changes or additions to the CGNS standard can be found in the CGNS Steering Committee Charter. The CPEX should include the following informaion:
In the table below, note that it is possible for a feature to be implemented in the SIDS and Filemap documentation, but not yet be implemented in the MLL software. If/when this occurs, it means that an "official" CGNS file can still be constructed with this feature, but the user must make use of means other than the MLL to accomplish it. A primary requirement of all proposals for modifications will be to support and maintain code compatibility. No additions or changes to the CGNS standard will be adopted - without overwhelmingly compelling reasons - which invalidate existing software or data. Note that the above CPEX work flow and requirements are new as of 09/2009, so older proposals given in the table below may be missing some of the required information. Comments on proposals should be sent to
CPEX # | Scope | Documentation | Date first posted | Date of last revision | SIDS status | Filemap status | MLL status |
0040 | Rind Plane Indexing |
rind_plane_indexing_5_14_2015.pdf | May.05.14 | May.14.15 | under review | under review | under review |
0039 | Inter-Base Reference Extension |
CGNS-0039-Inter-Base-References1.pdf | Jan.31.14 | Jan.31.14 | under review | under review | under review |
0038 | Quartic Elements for High Order |
CGNS_P4_elem_defn2.pdf (rev) CGNS_P4_elem_defn1.pdf (old) |
Jan.07.14 | Jan.10.14 | implemented Version 3.2.2, alpha | accepted, but not yet implemented | accepted, but not yet implemented |
0037 | Improvements for Multiblock Unstructured | README.improv_mblk_uns.txt CGNS-MultiBlockUnst.pdf bump_3df_unstr_native_pw.cgns bump_3df_unstr.cgns bump_3df_hybrid.cgns |
Aug.08.13 | Sep.10.13 | current version not accepted | N/A | N/A |
0036 | Cubic Elements for High Order | CGNS_extended_elem_defn2.pdf | Nov.05.12 | Nov.13.12 | implemented Version 3.2 | implemented Version 3.2 | implemented Version 3.2 |
0035 | Rigid Motion in a Family (requires CPEX #0034) | CGNS-prop-ext-FamilyRigidMotion-5.pdf | Feb.07.11 | Feb.07.11 | current version not accepted | N/A | N/A |
0034 | Multiple Families | CGNS-0034-6.pdf (Note: AdditionalFamilyName also to be added under UserDefinedData) |
Feb.03.11 | Nov.16.11 | implemented Version 3.2 | implemented Version 3.2 | implemented Version 3.2 |
0033 | Hierarchy of Families | CGNS-0033-6.pdf | Feb.03.11 | Nov.16.11 | implemented Version 3.2 | implemented Version 3.2 | implemented Version 3.2 |
0032 | Rigid Motion Improvement | IterativeData.pdf FrameReference.pdf FamilyRigidMotion.pdf (mod) FamilyRigidMotion.pdf (old) RigidMotion.pdf | Jul.01.08 | Oct.07.08 | withdrawn | N/A | N/A |
0031 | General SIDS Improvement* | intro_parts_of_sids.pdf (mod) intro_parts_of_sids.pdf (old) parts_of_sids.pdf | Jun.09.08 | Jun.09.08 | implemented Version 3.1.3 | implemented Version 3.1.3 | implemented Version 3.1.3 |
0030 | Regions | Regions.pdf (mod) Regions.pdf (old) Regions_filemap.pdf | Nov.09.06 | May.29.11 | implemented Version 3.1.3 | implemented Version 3.1.3 | implemented Version 3.1.3 |
0029 | Interface Connectivity | InterpolantDonor.pdf | Apr.13.07 | May.22.07 | implemented Version 2.5 | implemented Version 2.5 | implemented Version 2.5 |
0028 | Face-Based Storage | FacebasedIntro.pdf FacebasedSIDS.pdf | Nov.09.06 | Nov.09.06 | not accepted | N/A | N/A |
0027 | Multiple Zone Connectivities for Time-Dependent | Timedepconn.pdf Timedepconn_filemap.pdf | Mar.08.06 | Mar.08.06 | implemented Version 3.1.3 | implemented Version 3.1.3 | implemented Version 3.1.3 |
0026 | Face Center Connectivity | Facecenter.pdf | Mar.08.06 | Mar.08.06 | implemented Version 2.4 | implemented Version 2.4 | implemented Version 2.4 |
0025 | Averaging Interfaces | AveragingInterfaces.pdf | Mar.08.06 | Mar.08.06 | not accepted | N/A | N/A |
0024 | FSI with Deformable Boundaries | FSIDeformableBdy.pdf | Mar.28.06 | Mar.28.06 | not accepted | N/A | N/A |
0023 | Rind Data for Unstructured Zones | UnstructuredRind.pdf | Dec.17.03 | Dec.17.03 | implemented Version 2.4.3 | implemented Version 2.4.3 | implemented Version 2.4.3 |
0022 | Partial Connectivity Read/Write | PartialConn.pdf | Dec.10.03 | Dec.15.03 | implemented Version 2.4 | implemented Version 2.4 | implemented Version 2.4 |
0021 | Connectivity Property | GridConnectivityProperty.pdf | Sep.25.03 | Sep.25.03 | implemented Version 2.4 | implemented Version 2.4 | implemented Version 2.4 |
0020 | FamilyBC Extension | FamilyBCExtension.pdf | Sep.25.03 | Sep.25.03 | implemented Version 2.4 | implemented Version 2.4 | implemented Version 2.4 |
0019 | UserDefined data Extension | UserDefinedExtensions.pdf | Apr.21.03 | Apr.21.03 | implemented Version 2.4 | implemented Version 2.4 | implemented Version 2.4 |
0018 | BCDataSet Extension | BCDataSetExtensions.pdf | Apr.21.03 | Apr.21.03 | implemented Version 2.4 | implemented Version 2.4 | implemented Version 2.4 |
0017 | Chemical Species | ChemicalSpecies.pdf | Oct.25.02 | Oct.25.02 | not accepted | N/A | N/A |
0016 | Element Regions | ElementRegions.pdf | Oct.25.02 | Oct.25.02 | not accepted | N/A | N/A |
0015 | Elemental Components | ElementalComponents.pdf | Oct.25.02 | Oct.25.02 | not accepted | N/A | N/A |
0014 | Boundary Type Extensions | BCTypeExtensions.pdf | Oct.25.02 | Oct.25.02 | not accepted | N/A | N/A |
0013 | Solution BC proposal | SolutionBCproposal.pdf | Jul.03.02 | Jul.03.02 | not accepted | N/A | N/A |
0012 | Electromagnetic proposal | EMproposals.pdf | Jul.03.02 | Jul.03.02 | implemented Version 2.4 | implemented Version 2.4 | implemented Version 2.4 |
0011 | Wall Function, Periodic, Rotor/Stator | WallPeriodicRS.pdf | Jul.01.02 | Jul.31.02 | implemented Version 2.2 | implemented Version 2.2 | implemented Version 2.2 |
0010 | Multi-Phase / Liquid Spray | MultiPhaseExtension.pdf | Dec.14.00 | Dec.01.00 | not accepted | N/A | N/A |
0009 | User Defined Data Arrays | UserDefinedDataArrays.html
AlternateProposal.html |
Feb.02.01 |
Feb.02.01 |
implemented Version 2.1 | implemented Version 2.1 | implemented Version 2.1 |
0008 | Hierarchical Elements | HierarchicalElements.pdf
Response from M.Aftosmis: hierarchicalResponse.pdf |
Dec.01.00 |
Dec.01.00 |
not accepted | N/A | N/A |
0007 | Gravity | Gravity.pdf | Aug.04.99 | Mar.15.00 | implemented Version 2.2 | implemented Version 2.2 | implemented Version 2.2 |
0006 | Rotating Coordinates | RotatingCoordinates.pdf | Aug.04.99 | Dec.09.99 | implemented Version 2.2 | implemented Version 2.2 | implemented Version 2.2 |
0005 | Axisymmetry for 2D grids | axisymmetry.pdf | Aug.04.99 | Mar.15.00 | implemented Version 2.2 | implemented Version 2.2 | implemented Version 2.2 |
0004 | Chemical Species | Chemistry.pdf | Aug.04.99 | Sep.15.00 | implemented Version 2.1 | implemented Version 2.1 | implemented Version 2.1 |
0003 | Iterative or Time-accurate data | IterativeOrTemp.pdf | Aug.04.99 | Mar.14.00 | implemented | implemented | implemented |
0002 | Point by Point Grid Motion | ArbitraryGridMotion.pdf
see example 1 |
Aug.04.99 | Mar.14.00 | implemented | implemented | implemented |
0001 | Rigid Body Grid Motion | RigidGridMotion.pdf
see example 1 |
Aug.04.99 | Mar.14.00 | implemented | implemented | implemented |
* For CPEX #0031, it should be noted that some aspects require significant modifications on
the part of the MLL. For example, the improvement replaces the use of ElementRange and
ElementList with PointRange and PointList. The methodology for accomplishing this while
maintaining compatability with existing CGNS files and CGNS codes must be carefully
considered prior to implementation. I.e., either the MLL must still be able to recognize, read, and
translate ElementRange etc, or else ElementRange etc must still be allowed as an option
(in the documentation). Therefore, this CPEX will not be added to the SIDS or Filemap documents
until full implementation in the MLL is possible.
(Note that the CPEX is loosely patterned after the Python-based PEP (Python Enhancement Proposal). We gratefully acknowledge their well-documented methodology.)